A young boy and girls going through a pile of books with big smiles!

Youth and Family Connections – Home Support

Resource and Informational Notebook

FREE for parents of children who are Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing.

Professionals can purchase for $20 each.

Deaf Mentors

On-going, family-centered support program that connects families with Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing children with Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing mentors to provide an array of resources and support services


A lending library of books, toys, and activities to support families in developing early literacy with their Deaf, DeafBlind, or Hard of Hearing child and to foster a love of books.

Family Centered Sign Language Classes

Does your family want to learn American Sign Language? Or maybe you want to enhance your current knowledge and skills? Register now to be paired with a Deaf Mentor who will design a personalized learning plan for you. Individual and group sessions available both virtual and in-person.

Literacy Videos

Watch instructional videos and webinars that specifically target reading strategies you can use while reading with your Deaf, DeafBlind, or Hard of Hearing child.

Request Support

We’re here for you and your family.