A group of people at an event supporting Chicago Hearing Society.

Family Sign Language Classes

These classes are FREE to family members of Deaf and hard of hearing children birth through high school. Extended family members are welcome. You do NOT need to reside in Illinois to participate. Classes are virtual and those who register will receive an email with a link to join.

Please list all family members who plan to attend so we can have an accurate count of how many people to expect for class.

The instructors are Deaf and communicate using ASL and written English. NO AUDIO will be used!

      Next Session: January – February, 2025
      Family Beginners SLC:
      • Tuesdays (January 7 – February 11, 6:30-7:30pm CST).
      • Beginner (brand new to sign language or need more practice at the vocabulary and simple sentence level).
      • ONLINE.
      • Family Beginners Registration Link
      Family Beginners SLC IN PERSON:
      • Mondays (January 6 – February 24, 6:30-7:30pm CST).
      • NO CLASS January 20 (MLK Jr Day) and NO CLASS February 17 (Presidents’ Day)
      • Beginner (brand new to sign language or need more practice at the vocabulary and simple sentence level).
      • Location: CHS Office (2017 N. Mendell, Suite 3NE, Chicago, IL 60614).
      • Family Beginners IN PERSON Registration Link
      Family Beyond Beginners SLC:
Estas clases son GRATUITAS para los familiares de niños sordos y con problemas de audición desde el nacimiento hasta la escuela secundaria. Los miembros de la familia extendida son bienvenidos. USTED NO necesita residir en Illinois para participar.
Por favor, enumere a todos los miembros de la familia que planean asistir para que podamos tener un recuento preciso de cuántas personas esperar para la clase.
Los instructores son sordos y se comunican usando ASL e inglés escrito. ¡NO SE UTILIZARÁ AUDIO!
Sesión: 7 de Enero – 11 de Febrero.
**Clase de Español familiar: Martes 6:30-7:30pm CST**

Thank you! ¡Gracias!

Questions? ¿Preguntas?
Email Maddie Hinkle at CHSYouth@anixter.org, VP: (773) 904-0143, Phone: (773) 248-9121 x257, Mobile: (312) 523-6400.